Friday, May 31, 2019
Censorship on Television Essay -- TV Media
The government is correct in trying to censor what is seen on television. Censorship does not violate the first amendment and it prevents the harmful do of graphic television. Many people are in favor of censorship and it may be accomplished without violating the rights of b drivewaycasters or any other individuals. Censorship refers to quelling of information, ideas, or artistic expression by anyone, whether government officials, church authorities, private pressure groups, or speakers, writers, and artists themselves (Grolier, Inc.). Censorship asshole be a bad thing, and can also be positive. For television use, it is there to protect the people, namely children. There is a fear that the expression if not curtailed will do harm to individuals in its audiences or to fraternity as a whole. Obscene material is attacked because of the fear that it will corrupt personal morality (Grolier, Inc.). The first amendment states that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to asking the Government for a redress of grievances. In no way does censorship violate the first amendment. Censorship prevents broadcasters from infringing on the rights of the viewers. Censorship has really been limited to crud and gratuitous violence or nudity because people in the media have policed themselves pretty harshly. The most prominent law established due to censorship is the Children&8217s Television Act of 1990. It was established to remind broadcasters that there is indeed a common ground outside their narrow interests, a responsibility beyond profiteering, a common civic well where national purposes may coalesce (http// This law, like many others was put into place to protect the public. Many people throughout the linked States feel very strongly about the issue of censorship. A fi rm supporter of censorship, United States Senator Earnest F. Hollings, from South Carolina stated that Television should be a way to entertain, educate, and teach our kids how to grow, not a way to teach them how to shoot to kill(Congressional Digest). Another Senator, Bryan L. Dorgan, from North Dakota described his anger when, while playing with his twain small children with the television on ... ...s to censor. They will take advantage of that and monitor what is expressed on television. Many more propositions will be made and compromised on before broadcasters can come to terms with the public on censorship. The government is correct in trying to censor what is seen on television. The government serves to act in the best interest of the people. The protection of the development of minors in society is a very important issue. The topic of censorship has become such a prevalent issue because of its huge importance to many people. The public has made this an issue that the govern ment and media must deal with in order to make both(prenominal) the broadcasters and the general public happy. It has been proven that violence on television, as well as sex and obscene language has an ill effect on society and it is the governments job to do something about it. Through the use of technology, great advances have been made, but there is still a lot to be done. Devices such as the V-chip and the rating system are small steps in a large gray area of politics. There has to be a middle of the road on which everyone can agree, but the government is responsible for laying the groundwork for compromise.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Work and play in the city :: essays research papers
Work and Play in the CityThe city had been a place of work for a long time, but it was beginning to become almost as much of a place for play. As the average mortal was able to earn more money and have more free time, it was desirable to have some pastime at the end of a effortful day. Everyone found different ship canal to enjoy themselves, whether it is in one place that caters to many interests or many single interest places. Having a bit of fun became more and more important as the years progressed.One of the major reasons the city became much more of a place for play was that there was a major shift in the types of work volume were doing. Instead of intertwining enjoyment into your workday, large number were sacrificing fun for shorter workdays and a more concentrated day. This also caused a gigantic increase in wages. As this change occurred recreation and play were not luxuries anymore but necessities in the modern city. Different types of people found various ways to h ave their fun. Depending on how much money you made, your sex, or your race, you may have enjoyed much different methods of amusement. In theaters the African Americans always got the worst seats, and the rich people were usually box holders. In fact it became very difficult for performers to please such a mixed crowd. In fact, one English actor named Macready caused a riot because of a play he was performing. During his performance a crowd of 10,000 gathered to protest. The militia was called to restore order, which it did, but only after 22 people had been killed, 150 hurt and 86 arrested. Though, soon after the theaters began to cater to certain interests instead of trying to cater to everyone at once. Though the theaters were not a soulfulnesss only source of entertainment there were plenty of other forms. One could go to a beer hall, billiard room, variety theaters, or a design hall. Though these were for men mostly, and men with money to spend at that, there were also places such as parks, museums, libraries, and lecture halls for people to spend their leisure time. Everyone was purpose more and more leisure time and more places to spend their time.As the nineteenth century was ending the city became as much of a revolve about for fun as it was for work.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Alcestis Essay -- essays research papers
Alcestis is a myth that is "the most touching of all the Greek plays to a modern audience" (Lind 213). It is a tragicomedy by the playwright Euripides and it centers on the king and queen of Thessalia. Admetus, the king, has been fated to die yet, due to his alliance with Apollo, is given the disaster to find a replacement. His wife, Alcestis, volunteers for the position claiming that she cannot imagine life without her husband. After Alcestis submits her life, Admetus discovers the pain of loss and even determines that Alcestis is the lucky one in dying. In a move turn of events, a friend of Admetus, Heracles, goes down into the underworld, wrestles Death, and wins Admetus sticker his bride.1 This tale, as mentioned above, tugs at a commentators heartstrings. We, as an audience, want to believe that Alcestis is brought to life at the termination of this drama, yet there are those interpreters who believe otherwise. A specific example of this type of person is D.L. Drew , who proposes that the woman given to Admetus is the corpse of his wife alternatively than the resurrected Alcestis. Drew goes further to comment that this is Heracless revenge against Admetus for tricking him into believing that she who died is a stranger and not Alcestis.1 This is a terrible proposition that tends to disturb a reader and, through the examination of the text, seems to be rather incorrect. The concept that Alcestis has been resurrected can be supported, in fact, by several elements. Through the influence of the god Apollo in the dramas entirety, through the temperament and motivations of Heracles, and through the presence of many absurd elements in correlation with the definition of comedy, one can truly believe that Alcestis is brought back to life. In the onset of Alcestis, the god Apollo utters to Death an oracle. "For a man comes to the dwelling of Pheresand he shall be a guest in the house of Admetus, and by pound shall he tear this woman Alcestis from you" (Euripides 66-69). These are the last words of Apollo in this text, yet he does not completely disappear from the drama. He seems to show his blind influence through the use of light and sound.One may first examine the use of light in this drama. The characters use the concept of the sun many times throughout their dialogue. "Sun, and you, light of day" (Euripides 244). A similar line... ... the above elements and then also by a rise of the protagonist in the dramas termination. It thus follows that if Alcestis has the elements of comedy, then there must also be some sort of comic rise There seems to be two comic rises. First, Admetus understands the honest sacrifice that Alcestis has made. "No pain ever shall touch her again she has reached the noble end of all her sufferings. But I, I who should have died, I have fly my fate, only to drag out a wretched life. Only now do I perceive it" (Euripides 938-941). Although this does not seem to be a comic ris e for Admetus, it is an enlightenment of sorts. Admetus has seen that he has been selfish and is shamed by it. The final comic rise is the resurrection of Alcestis, which seems to be an almost reward for Admetuss enlightenment. This resurrection of Alcestis is necessary in order to fulfill the definition of comedy and is thus proven through it, through the actions of Apollo, and through the motivations of Heracles.Footnotes1. L. R. Lind (1957), Ten Greek Plays in Contemporary Translations Houghton Mifflin Company Boston, Mass.2. doubting Thomas Bulfinch (1855) The Age and Fable or Stories of Gods and Heroes
The Valley Girl in Buffy the Vampire Slayer :: TV Television Show Essays
The stereotypical vale female childfriend would have to be ace of my longstanding favourite characters in both television and learn. With the valley girl known for often macrocosm the quintessential popularity queen, it may not seem so obvious to include the Buffy we know today as part of the valley girl hall of fame. But one only has to go back to the 1992 film, Buffy the lamia Slayer to observe the full extent of Buffys bleach blonde valley girl roots. To place Buffy within the larger category of the valley girl, scratch one must have an understanding of what exactly this means. Undoubtedly, the valley girl is a product of the eighties, or at least a character that was elucidate and labelled during this period, and she has been a significant presence in teen films and television ever since. It has come to my attention that there has been a definite change, or growing over the last two decades, of the living, breathing barbie doll otherwise known as the valley girl. A nd, it seems, this evolution of the valley girl within teen film and television can be traced through the character of Buffy Summers, starting from her first appearance on the big screen in 1992.For my purposes, the term valley girl is useful in reference to a limited spectrum of popular teen girls in film and television, who, despite originating in name from the location of the San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles, 1 are not strictly limited or restricted to being natives of this particular site. Often alarmingly oblivious to many basic concepts of social etiquette, the valley girl is the ultra-feminine, two-dimensional character identified by an abundance of material possessions and surface features that are highly prized by herself and her peers. Some of the basic, essential signifiers of the valley girl can be extracted from examination of valley girls over time who have manipulated the following1) POPULARITY which is often directly linked to the valley girl also being a cheerle ader (often team captain, of course) and/or prom queen. Although, sometimes basic popularity is pure and simple enough.2) CASH SUPPLY generous funds, namely daddys faith card, often help with gaining or retaining popular status, and is especially important for its contribution to the following,3) THE WARDROBE often filled with the latest fashion trends and designer labels. The valley girl must be well-versed in knowing what is now, retro, and the dreaded zone of five minutes ago.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Free College Essays - The Setting of Venice in Shakespeares Othello :: GCSE Coursework Shakespeare Othello
 The Setting of Venice in Othello   Othello is a fundament solelyy different character to all others in the play 1. He is an outsider to Venice and on that pointfore an outsider to the customs and society of Venice. In one way this is good for him. He is a renowned laborious general who is much in demand from the Venetians. Rather than fight the war against the Turks for themselves, they hire Othello to do so, indicating that he is respected by the Venetians but not considered, as a civilized Venetian would be, above having to fight wars barbarically. This lack of cultural acceptance is indicated by the way Brabantio is willing to Îloveâ, invite to his house and strike him to tell battle stories. However, when there is the possibility of Desdemona marrying Othello, Brabantio is vehemently opposed, exclaiming Destruction on my head.2 Venice is a haven of civilization, on the border with the land of pagan religion and disputes. When Brabantio is told he has b een robbed, he answers inconsistently What tellâst thou me of robbing? This is Venice My house is not a grange. This not only shows that Venice is a quiet, civilized, uneventful place, but that its inhabitants (or at least Brabantioâs generation) believe it to be themselves. LINK TO 3 They live by a code of behavior and upbringing which views someone like Othello as barbarous, uncivilized, and almost jolly in a pukka cultural kind of way. Every time a character calls Othello the Moor a sense of derision and superiority is conveyed and all the other feelings of distance internal in Venetians.4  Iago says that Desdemona is a supersubtle Venetian5 as if the calculatedness of her thoughts and deeds were not too a feature of himself, which they certainly are. The implication is that cultivate people are acquiesce and scheming people, and are in that sense understood to one another while this adds to the irony of the constant reference to Iago as honest Iago. It also c ontrasts the Venetian way of social dealing with the open nature of Othello. Othello is clever, as his style and military prowess show but is to sate of Venice he is nave. He is too trusting and misunderstands the subtleties of Venetian society it is the combination of his openness and decisiveness, pride and trustfulness that allows super subtle Iago to destroy him, omnipotent as Othello is.Free College Essays - The Setting of Venice in Shakespeares Othello GCSE Coursework Shakespeare Othello The Setting of Venice in Othello   Othello is a fundamentally different character to all others in the play 1. He is an outsider to Venice and therefore an outsider to the customs and society of Venice. In one way this is good for him. He is a renowned strong general who is much in demand from the Venetians. Rather than fight the war against the Turks for themselves, they hire Othello to do so, indicating that he is respected by the Venetians but not considered, as a civilized Venetian would be, above having to fight wars barbarically. This lack of cultural acceptance is indicated by the way Brabantio is willing to Îloveâ, invite to his house and ask him to tell battle stories. However, when there is the possibility of Desdemona marrying Othello, Brabantio is vehemently opposed, exclaiming Destruction on my head.2 Venice is a haven of civilization, on the border with the land of heathenism and disputes. When Brabantio is told he has been robbed, he answers inconsistently What tellâst thou me of robbing? This is Venice My house is not a grange. This not only shows that Venice is a quiet, civilized, uneventful place, but that its inhabitants (or at least Brabantioâs generation) believe it to be themselves. LINK TO 3 They live by a code of behavior and upbringing which views someone like Othello as barbarous, uncivilized, and almost amusing in a superior cultural kind of way. Every time a character calls Othello the Moor a sense of deri sion and superiority is conveyed and all the other feelings of distance inherent in Venetians.4  Iago says that Desdemona is a supersubtle Venetian5 as if the calculatedness of her thoughts and deeds were not too a feature of himself, which they certainly are. The implication is that civilised people are conniving and scheming people, and are in that sense understood to one another while this adds to the irony of the constant reference to Iago as honest Iago. It also contrasts the Venetian way of social dealing with the open nature of Othello. Othello is clever, as his style and military prowess show but is to content of Venice he is nave. He is too trusting and misunderstands the subtleties of Venetian society it is the combination of his openness and decisiveness, pride and trustfulness that allows super subtle Iago to destroy him, powerful as Othello is.
Free College Essays - The Setting of Venice in Shakespeares Othello :: GCSE Coursework Shakespeare Othello
 The Setting of Venice in Othello   Othello is a fundamentally different character to all early(a)s in the romp 1. He is an outsider to Venice and thus an outsider to the customs and society of Venice. In one room this is good for him. He is a renowned strong world-wide who is much in necessitate from the Venetians. Rather than fight the war against the Turks for themselves, they hire Othello to do so, indicating that he is respected by the Venetians but not considered, as a civilized Venetian would be, above having to fight wars barbarically. This lack of ethnical acceptance is indicated by the way Brabantio is willing to Îloveâ, invite to his house and ask him to manifest battle stories. However, when there is the initiative of Desdemona marrying Othello, Brabantio is vehemently opposed, exclaiming Destruction on my head.2 Venice is a haven of civilization, on the border with the land of heathenism and disputes. When Brabantio is told he has been robb ed, he answers inconsistently What pick outâst thou me of robbing? This is Venice My house is not a grange. This not only shows that Venice is a quiet, civilized, uneventful place, but that its inhabitants (or at least Brabantioâs generation) believe it to be themselves. affair TO 3 They live by a code of behavior and upbringing which views someone like Othello as barbarous, uncivilized, and almost amusing in a superior cultural kind of way. Every time a character calls Othello the Moor a sense of derision and superiority is conveyed and all the other feelings of distance inherent in Venetians.4  Iago says that Desdemona is a supersubtle Venetian5 as if the calculatedness of her thoughts and deeds were not in any case a feature of himself, which they certainly are. The implication is that civilised volume are conniving and collusive people, and are in that sense understood to one another while this adds to the irony of the constant reference to Iago as in force( p) Iago. It also contrasts the Venetian way of social dealing with the open nature of Othello. Othello is clever, as his style and military prowess show but is to content of Venice he is nave. He is too trusting and misunderstands the subtleties of Venetian society it is the combination of his openness and decisiveness, pride and trustfulness that allows super subtle Iago to destroy him, powerful as Othello is.Free College Essays - The Setting of Venice in Shakespeares Othello GCSE Coursework Shakespeare Othello The Setting of Venice in Othello   Othello is a fundamentally different character to all others in the play 1. He is an outsider to Venice and therefore an outsider to the customs and society of Venice. In one way this is good for him. He is a renowned strong general who is much in demand from the Venetians. Rather than fight the war against the Turks for themselves, they hire Othello to do so, indicating that he is respected by the Venetians but not considere d, as a civilized Venetian would be, above having to fight wars barbarically. This lack of cultural acceptance is indicated by the way Brabantio is willing to Îloveâ, invite to his house and ask him to tell battle stories. However, when there is the possibility of Desdemona marrying Othello, Brabantio is vehemently opposed, exclaiming Destruction on my head.2 Venice is a haven of civilization, on the border with the land of heathenism and disputes. When Brabantio is told he has been robbed, he answers inconsistently What tellâst thou me of robbing? This is Venice My house is not a grange. This not only shows that Venice is a quiet, civilized, uneventful place, but that its inhabitants (or at least Brabantioâs generation) believe it to be themselves. LINK TO 3 They live by a code of behavior and upbringing which views someone like Othello as barbarous, uncivilized, and almost amusing in a superior cultural kind of way. Every time a character calls Othello the Moo r a sense of derision and superiority is conveyed and all the other feelings of distance inherent in Venetians.4  Iago says that Desdemona is a supersubtle Venetian5 as if the calculatedness of her thoughts and deeds were not too a feature of himself, which they certainly are. The implication is that civilised people are conniving and scheming people, and are in that sense understood to one another while this adds to the irony of the constant reference to Iago as honest Iago. It also contrasts the Venetian way of social dealing with the open nature of Othello. Othello is clever, as his style and military prowess show but is to content of Venice he is nave. He is too trusting and misunderstands the subtleties of Venetian society it is the combination of his openness and decisiveness, pride and trustfulness that allows super subtle Iago to destroy him, powerful as Othello is.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Malachi Stacks in the Matchmaker Essay
In the world of business there are always those men and women who are not recognized for the contri thoions they make to certain products, projects, or works even though without them the result would neer exist. Nonetheless, these people go on with their daily lives working hard, knowing that all their dedication is going to earn others and not them. heretofore, they terminatet blame the big companies for not being recognized, because these men and women do this willingly. They are fully aware that their actions serve a exercise to the greater rather than a personal one, and for them that is enough. Such people do not need the recognition of others because they themselves know the importance of their actions.One example of much(prenominal)(prenominal) a hu piece of music being is portrayed in Thornton Wilders The Matchmaker. His name is Malachi Stacks, and though he only shows up on stage twain or three times, he is the one who gives the entire production meaning. Malachi is t he person who sets into motion a series of events that completely change not only the characters, but also their lives. With this character, Thornton Wilder takes what used to be just a regular farce comedy and gives it meaning which makes all the difference, Malachi Stacks makes all the difference.Thornton carefully crafted the lineament of Stacks in such a way that do him distinct from the rest of the characters. unconstipated with being in his fifties, sadness and depression are just absent from his life. Every line spoken by him has a joyful feeling to, and almost puts a smile on the readers face. Even at times when he is being put down by Mr. Vandergelder, joy is felt in his words. Wilder makes Malachi seem like a small-scale adolescent, who has not yet been exposed to reality, and still thinks the world is perfect. However, all this is just an image that Malachi establishes for his own purposes. He makes people believe he can be trusted by model to be respectful and foll owing orders. Malachi creates a relationship between himself and the others, especially Mr. Vandergelder, which makes him seem gullible and easy to control when in fact it is he who controls them.This sort of maneuver is portrayed very well in his first scene with Mr. Vandergelder, in which he says Youll never regret it, Mr. Vandergelder. Youll never regret it. It is such a simple line, and yet there is so much there. Malachi makes it seem like he is just another man who is ingenious about getting a job, when in reality he is masking his true intentions behind these innocent words. The real reason Malachi is happy to have gotten the job, is because he now has the ability to fix the inequality which exists between Vandergelder and the others. Truth be told, Malachi is actually the only individual who see this flaw amongst the characters, and he knows it should not be there. Therefore, by formulating this sort of innocent personality, Malachi Stacks gives himself the perfect opportun ity to finally bring equality into the lives of the characters.It all happens in Act III when Mr. Vandelgelder is having his coat interpreted off as his purse filled with money falls to the ground. Malachi, knowing that the primary reason for such inequality amongst the characters is their financial situations, takes his chance to rest the scale. However, he does not make a big deal out of it. Malachi simply takes the purse, asks Vandelgelder if its his, and since the response is no he gives it to Cornelius. Its very quick, subtle, and seems like the rightly thing to do. Yet, even though what he did was so simple, it was enough to bring equality into their lives and he knew that. By asking Vandergelder whether or not the purse was his, Malachi tried and true him to check if he deserves the money. For in his short little monologue that he has right after picking up the purse, Mr. Stacks says The law is there to nurture property, but- sure the law doesnt care whether a property ow ner deserves his property or not, and the law has to be corrected.Therefore when he asked Vandelgelder Did you cast something the real question was Are you worthy of all this money that you have. Vandelgelder responding quickly said no, and that was enough for Malachi to know that the money deserved to be in the hands of someone else, Cornelius. It is also at this point that inequality begins to slowly disappear between the characters. First, Cornelius and Barnaby are able to pay for their expensive dinner and very impress Mrs. Malloy along with Minnie. Then Mrs. Levi finally tells Mr. Vandergelder what she thinks of him when he cannot pay the bill, and that is when he finally realizes what kind of man he is. Slowly through scenes like these, the balance between the characters begins to even out and by the end, everyone is happy, joyful, and most of all the inequality amongst them completely vanishes all thanks to Malachi Stacks.Though Thornton chose Malachi to be the tool for equ ilibrium amongst the characters by having him redistribute the superfluities, the part also is important when it comes to the moral of the story. Of course, after reading The Matchmaker it safe to say that there are multiple lessons to be conditioned from this play, but one of the main ones shows up in Malachis monologue. Right after discussing the entire matter of redistributing property, Thornton has the character talk about how one man should not have more than one vice. In fact, he ends his line with the words One vice at a time. Now this entire concept might seem abstract, because after all even in todays world vices are looked down upon. However, Thornton shows what two vices can do to a man by having Malachi use Vandergelders wrongs against him.His first true frailty is that in his own world Mr. Vandergelder sees himself a king, where no one can stop him because he has so much money. The second is his passion for money. In fact, his first vice comes from this one, because to him a person who has more money has more authority. So instead of merely having Vandergelder destroy himself through his vices, Thornton uses Malachi to show how having more than one vice is recipe for destruction. First, he uses Vandergelders attitude towards himself to gain his trust, by pretending to be loyal to him. Next, once Vandergelder thinks he has him under his control, Malachi uses the second frailty against him taking that which is most precious, his money, and giving it away. By using both of these flaws in his scales character, Mr. Stacks brings Vandergelder into a state of despair where he has lost everything that made him, a King in his own mind.One man. Three Scenes. Yet without him, The Matchmaker would never be the same. Thornton Wilder made a smart decision in imgaging such a character, because he is developed in such a way that his importance to the whole play is not realized until the conclusion. For with just a simple action of handing off a purse to Corneliu s, Malachi made a ripple effect which changed the course of the entire production and made all the difference. Malachi Stacks made all the difference.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Lifeââ¬â¢s Little Lesson: Smash Your Car Essay
Life, for me, has always been filled with different twists and turns. Some were forgotten, while others have remained fresh in our memories. One of these memories that make me look at life differently, and cherish what I have, was my brand new car. I got my car for forty seven thousand dollars, just two weeks ago. I trimed really hard, and I know that I deserve my car. However, an incident happened, making my car a check mess. It happened on a chilly November morning. I was drive carefully in my brand new car, feeling really proud of myself for being able to reap the fruits of my labor. My girlfriend, was with me, who kept on asking me to have her lead friends brought home after her birthday party. The continuous nagging was irritating me, and I was beginning to lose my temper. I was mad, and little did I know, that I was actually losing focus of how I was driving. I began to enclose myself in a bubble, where I could not hear anything else. Soon, I found myself driving straight a head, with accelerated speed. Consequently, my car of a sudden jumped and went on rolling towards the side of the road. It was a good thing that I did not hit any other cars, nor did I involve anyone else in the incident. Furthermore, batch who drove by were not aware that an accident had happened, for we have fallen in the ditch. Nevertheless, it was a good thing that none of my friends were hurt, or injured during the express incident. Since the car was in an awkward position, we had to climb turn up of the car through the passenger seat the doors were jammed and it would be impossible for us to go out of the car through the door, clear of debris. All were safe, and I was thankful that none of us were hurt. The only thing that bothered me was the site of my car it was a total mess. There was smoke coming from the hood, and some of the glass windows were shattered, so some were scattered on the floor. I felt disappointed because all of my hard work was put into waste. Then I b egan to realize that it was a miracle that all of us were a function, and none were injured during the said accident. As I look back and bow out the incident, I become thankful of the wonderful things that have been bestowed on me how the gift of life served as a miracle from my end. I was astounded by the mere batch of my lifeless car, and how difficult it might have been for me if someone else was involved in the crash. I learned to appreciate life intermit, with the goal of living my life to the fullest. I wanted to be a better individual, whom parents can be proud of. Moreover, I realized that life is indeed a blessing not everyone were condition the chance to survive such a similar incident. I was saved from what might have been, my final destination. I was given the chance to actually think, and experience my life so that I can be a better, both in my personal and professional life. As I move forward and live a simple life, I look back and cherish the moments when my life was almost at its end. I am definitely a new and better person-because of my totally wrecked car.Works CitedSurname of Professor, First Name. ENC 1101 Writing A Reflection Paper. Date of Publication/UsageNumber of Pages.Ellis, Barbara L. How to Write Themes and Term papers (How to Write Successfully in High School and College. Barrons Educational Series, 1989.Hall, George M. How to Write a Paper, 3rd Edition. Wiley-Blackwell, 2003.James, Neil. Writing at Work How to Write Clearly, efficaciously and Professionally. Allen & Unwin, 2008.Pattison, Darcy. Paper Lighting Prewriting Activities That Spark Creativity and Help Students Write Effectively. Cottonwood Pres, Inc., 2008.Rhodes, Richard. How to Write Advice and Reflections. Harper Paperbacks, 1996.Will-Harris, Daniel. How To Write Effective Text. Retrieved 22 May, 2008 .
Saturday, May 25, 2019
British Literature Essay
Prithee, go in thyself. Seek thine give ease./ This tempest go out(a) not give me leave to ponder/ On things would hurt me more. But Ill go in. -/ In, boy go first.- Youhouseless poverty -Nay, make water thee in. Ill petition, and then Ill sleep. Fool exitsPoor naked wretches, wheresoeer you are,/ That digest the pelting of this pitiless stormHow sh any your houseless heads unfed sides,/ Your looped and windowed raggednessdefend you From the seasons such as these? 0, I have taen Too little condole with of this. Takephysic, pomp./ Expose thyself to feel what wretches feel, / That thou mayst shake thesuperflux to them And show the heavens more just. Act III, Scene 4, Lines 2741Literal commentary of the PassageKing Lear is being rancid out of his own castle by his daughters, Goneril and Regan. A fierce tempest is raging outside the castle and the daughters heartlessly have their father thrown out. A totally depressed King Lear speaks these lines to Kent and the Fool when they lead him to a hovel to protect him from the storm raging outside. The fag asks them to go into the hovel instead and seek comfort from the storm. He is already shaken and tells them that the tempest will not let him ponder on things that will disturb him anymore.For a moment, the confused king tells them that he would go in, but immediately asks Fool to enter the hovel first. He tells them that he would like to pray before he goes to sleep. Fool enters the hovel and the kings disturbed mind extends pity to the houseless people who are exposed to the ravages of nature. He wonders how people without a roof over their heads and without proper clothing would survive the cruelty of such a fierce storm.He wonders how wretched people, who dont even get proper meals, get protected from seasons as harsh as these. He feels compassionate towards them and regrets that he had never before thought just approximately things such as these. He wishes for a purgative that would flush out his pomp and seeks to expose himself to the harshness of what wretches experience. He hopes to shake some of his superfluous splendor on the wretched people and thus seek justice from heaven.Symbolic Interpretation of the PassageThe play gains momentum in the third act when the king is turned out into the storm. The scene starts by the king crying out to Kent and Fool about filial ingratitude. He expresses his shock at his own plight and cries out aloud. The raging storm symbolizes the kings mental status, and the intensity of the scene is immense when the old king is mercilessly made to face the storm both from outside and from within. The storm symbolizes the kings inner turmoil and the madness that is soon to overtake him. The powerful storm also stands in stark seam against the frail king who kneels down and prays after move Fool inside. This is the first time in the play that the king prays.Pathos reigns supreme when the king all too suddenly remembers the houseless heads. The kings o wn limitations, where he is thrown out in the open from the luxury of the castle is portrayed here. When the king rambles about the pelting of this pitiless storm, he alludes to the merciless nature of his daughters who mercilessly turn him out. The line O, I have taen Too little guard of this portrays the kings understanding that he has been stripped of all royal pretensions and that he has never ever given a thought to something like this. He reproaches himself for being heartless in not caring for the homeless before. This throws light on the humanization of the king.Moral Interpretation of the PassageThis passage highlights the plight of a mighty king who is betrayed by his own daughters and is rendered homeless. The hopeless situation to which the king is exposed is well expressed in this passage. He has lost the love of his daughters, his kingdom, and is instantaneously in the verge of losing his sanity too. The king divided up his kingdom and resigned from his duty. He was also stupid in not recognizing the affection of Cordelia and in sending her out because she refused to be a part of a flattering game. This is his sin and he is simply left to lurch in the thunderstorm by his own daughters. In such a backdrop, the brewing storm kindles the human spirit in the king.Though nature is not gentle towards the king, it does arouse the gentle feelings in him. It makes the same king who was vein enough to turn out his daughter for not taking part in a flattering game, wonder about other commoners. This play demonstrates the absurd nature of vanity and its results. The king learns a great many things by being exposed to harsh nature than when he was in the cozy realms of the palace. The great suffering of the king is beautifully depicted in this passage and one can foresee the tragedy that is soon to come to pass the king.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Admission Essay for Medical School
Since my childhood, I have been aspirationing to be a doctor. I believe that a doctor has a noble job because it extends a helping hand to those population who are in need especially the sick one. Doctors are believed as the living heroes because they are always on avocation to lend services for the ill people.Every sequence I mickle see people who are seriously ill, suffering from pain and look hopeless my pith really goes out with them. I constantly remind myself that serving them is such a noble profession. The cries and pains of the patients eyes that I see every time I visit a hospital really register on my mind and when I immortalise them, it pushes me to pursue my dream and that is to be a doctor.Moreover, whenever my mama and grandparents are sick, I am really the one, who attends to them and if there are chances to render services in the civic works, I also volunteer.The three people who brought regard to my life are my grandmother, my bestfriend and my ma. Among these three, it is my mom who really brought change and has really affected my life. Well, my grandmother encourages me to have difference in this world by serving people who are in need. I have witnessed how my grandma cares my grandfather when he is seriously ill.I heap really see the love and concern thus, she is constantly reminding me that if I serve people, it should be done in love. That line really inculcates in my mind. On the other hand, my bestfriend really motivates me to believe that I dejection do the things which I thought I cant do like having a thought that qualifying to a medical school is impossible because I go to sleep the qualifications are really high but she let me believe and realize that I have a heart in serving people.Moreover, it is really my mom who has a great impact and influence to me why I want to pursue this career. As I look back my childhood long time, I cant help myself to laugh with those nonsense choices that I have made. Those memories a re still fresh in my mind and I cant remember any incident which I dont pout every time the day of Monday is coming up, the first day of school. Monday up to Friday is my terrible days of my life when I am still a child.I need to wake up early so that I go out not be recent for school and be able to catch the school bus. I need to make many assignments, unending assignments for every subject and I really come across them a waste of time. I can still remember how my mom wakes me up by saying honey, you have to wake up nowYou will be late for school. It is my mom who really pushes me to go to school.I try to ask my mom why I need to go to school when I can learn many things by playing with my friends and watching television. But my mom would answer me that it is different if I am in school because I can learn how to read and write.She also adds that good education is the only wealth that they can leave, with my dad, to me that cant be stolen by anybody and if I really dream to be a doctor, I should also do my part. I attempt to reason out but then, I am just a also-ran because my mom would not listen to my sentiments and she just continually sends me to school.She tries to encourage me a lot in order to make me enthusiastic with my studies but then, in my consume thinking, going to school is just irrelevant and boring, totally boring But in a long run, I discover that going to school is a lot of fun especially when my Science teacher starts to discuss about the parts of human beings, its systems and functions.It makes me wonder how these parts function. From that moment, I start liking going to school. In addition, there is one incident that my mom gets sick. I am so worried but when I remember what my Science teacher teaches us on how to take care the sick people, I am relieved.The edge that sets me apart from others who apply to Xavier University school of Medicine, Bonaire is that I am a very patient individual and have the passion to serve others thus, doing extra mile for the benefits of the many.I am very dedicated and serious to my studies and always ready to learn new things. I am a type of student who does not easily give up when the going gets tough but continues to pursue until I will recognize it. Furthermore, I am also a graduate of Dentistry which is a good ground for my medical studies.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
United States went into its first Asian war in the Philippines
In 1899 the United States went into its first Asian war in the Philippines. From then on there were others against Japan, North Korea and china. The war was waged against Spain and in it, Spain was forced to give up the colony.The explanation was provided by death chair McKinley as having been motivated by a desire to provide education to the locals. The mission excessively involved the civilization and Christianization of the Filipinos as fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.This was a lie. The real reason for the acquisition was the rise of imperialist sentiment among the ruling elite. This was inspired by a need to include the United States among the club of worlds great powers.The challenge that arose after the war was that the Philippine indep abateence leaders judge to acquire their independence. America on its part was in a way seeking to replace Spains position.This would lead to a war against the Filipinos whom they had supported. America had thereof officially entered the league of imperialists.There was at the same time the rise of anti-imperialism advocates in the United States. These got credence from the accounts of soldiers who were fighting abroad through letters written rearward home.These narrated the horrible activities that the soldiers were involved in for instance massacres. The Americans conduct ended up looking worse than the Spaniards had.The American people started changing their minds about the war. By the end of the war in 1901 America could be counted as an imperial power in Asia. It is at this time that the open door policy was declared.As from this point on, the US started getting more involved in world affairs. There was the contribution of troops to china to fight nationalists over there.From this point the us began sending its navy abroad so as to assert its position as a new power. It was also from this point that the administration began involving itself in promotion of American enthronization abroad. Foreign trade al so began being promoted in ways never seen before. Overseas investment and foreign trade were also promoted.Upon the assassination of President McKinley in 1901, there was the rise of Theodore Roosevelt, a committed imperialist. He favored a big army and navy. He also always dwelt on citizen duties to the state alternatively than human rights. Roosevelt was a daring and zealous in the pursuit of American interest. There was the belief that the United States had the role of saving the world.In the late 1920s the government had a challenge. In addition to The president also had to deal with a number of important foreign policy issues. There were revolutions in South America. The sparing situation created serious problems in Americas relations with Europe. And Japan launched a campaign of aggression in northeastern China.Hoover failed in his efforts to solve Americas economic troubles. But as we will see in our program today, he did succeed with some of his foreign policies. He and m ost other Americans, however, would fail to understand the long-term splendor of the forces gaining control in Germany and Japan.VOICE TWOHerbert Hoovers foreign policies were marked by his desire to make friends and avoid war.Like most Americans, the new president had been shocked by conception War One. Hoover had seen the results of that terrible war with his own eyes. He led the international effort to feed the many European civilian victims of the fighting. And the new president was a member of the Quaker religious group that traditionally opposes armed conflict.Hoover shared the wish of most Americans that the world would never again fight a major war. He felt the bloody bodies at Verdun, the Marne, and the other battlefields of World War One showed that conflict should be settled by peaceful negotiations.VOICE superstarHoover worked toward this goal even before he entered the White House.Following his election, he had several months free before becoming president. Hoover us ed this period to motive power to Latin America for ten weeks. He wanted to show Latin American nations that they could trust the United States to honor their rights as independent nations.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Fires of Jubilee- Nat Turner’s Fierce Rebellion
August 21, 1861 proved to be a day of sorrow, pain and lessons learned. The Fires of Jubilee is a historical account of the unconstipatedts that led to the bloodiest slave rebellion in southernern chronicle. Nat Turner is painted as a fairly intelligent and vatical slave who believed he was chosen to free his people from their slave bondage. Nats rebellion last almost two whole days before beness halted by militia men from the state of due north Carolina, leaving upward of 50 whites murdered in the aftermath. Although it took some time to fully accomplish, the rebellion of Nat Turner ultimately led to the freeing of the slaves some years later.The history of the south and slaves was forever changed by the events of the rebellion. Nat Turners name will forever be a symbol of black terror and violet retri unlession and at the same time, a legendary black hero. In the Old South, it was understood that Christianity was not only used to save heathen souls, but also to clutch the slaves suppressed and kept them from striking back against their masters. (Page 14) Southern white slave owners would pick and choose only certain al-Quran lessons for the slaves to be shown.The owners felt that by restricting the knowledge of the slaves, they would be able to keep them inhibited. Words of the bible were twisted to mean different things to the slave population. Slaves were told that if they did not obey their masters and run their allotted tasks that God would burn them in the flames of an eternal hell. To be good children of God the slaves were to accept their lot, be meek and faithful, patient and submissive, even if their masters were cruel. Slaves were taught to die it to God to punish.And if they be redeemd great would be their reward in heaven. Page 14) Nat Turner was a really special slave. From a very young age it was obvious that Nat was intelligent and others around him knew it. People around Nat al expressive styles thought he would grow up to be a p rophet. He was like a regent(postnominal) angel whose wings were nailed to the floor. (Page 69) As Nat grew older he also grew in his faith, he believed himself to be in full favor of God. He prayed daily and worn out(p) time in devotion and fasting to his heavenly father. In an attempt to gain more following Nat performed a baptism in the river of a white man.The resoluteness was not as he hoped, however it only helped to push him closer to his God. Nat began having visions for a time before the rebellion came into full plan. His visions were often bloody and violent, being described as blacks and whites fighting in battled under a darkened sky while thunder rolled in the heavens. Rivers of blood flowed free bonnie about and voices spoke from heaven saying Such is your luck, much(prenominal) you are called to see, and let it come rough or smooth, you must surely bare it. Nat was captivated by these visions and prayed fervently for a revelation.After some time had passed, th e Spirit called out to Nat from the heavens saying Behold me as I stand in the heavens. Nat looked up and axiom the saviors hands stretched forth from east to west, even as they were on the cross on Calvary for the redemption of sinners. (Page 36) Slave owners and others around town either passed Nat bump off as crazy or simply did not bother to believe him because he was not an ordained minister. In his own way, Nat was one of the most known prophets of his day. He was revered and institutionaliseed by numerous fellow slaves.Nat also claimed to have powers of healing and such. Several men became close confidents of Nat. He had full trust and confidence in his lieutenants as he called them. Four men Hark Travis, Nelson Williams, Jack Reese and Sam Edwards were Nats leading men in the rebellion. They were responsible for m any things but spent a lot of time spreading discontent within the slave communities keeping them ready and on edge at any moment for the rebellion to begin . Nats lieutenants did not know a specific plan he was quite secretive about the dates and details surrounding the rebellion.One of Nats visions gave him the final push he needed to bring the plan into full swing. At one point, a black spot appeared on the surface of the sun, for Nat this symbolized a black hand over the sun. This was his sign that God wanted him to rise up against his white enemies. Jehovah was commanding Nat to rise and move. Nats trusted generals stayed by his side as this revolt happened without warning. The violence raged on for more than twenty four hours. Many were left dead and dismembered in the aftermath.The consequences of the rebellion were very wellspring known in the state and county. Immediate consequences were obviously the lost lives of the fifty-something whites. Many other slaves lost their lives as the militia began to fight and shut down Nats group. The entire county and state was on alert for any suspicious activity coming from any slaves. The re was no way to tell if this was just the starting signal or the ending. Rumors spread quickly throughout the state that Nats rebellion was only the beginning and that many other slaves outside of his county were planning to revolt as well.These rumors proved to not be true, but because the residents of the state were on high alert, many innocent, free blacks and slaves were killed simply for being suspicious. There were trials and hangings publicly in Virginia and North Carolina. The lives lost due to this rebellion went far beyond the men and women killed on the first two days by Nat and his crew. Eventually abolitionists were blamed for the rebellion because of their incendiary material on flyers and in articles that were in circulation. Many whites believed that the reason for Nats rebellion was because of said flyers.No evidence has ever been found showing knowledge of the flyers being associated with Nat. It has come to be known that the true reason is because of Nats visi ons and callings from God however whites did not want to believe that their God would allow this to happen. On a nationwide level the consequences began to affect many in the north as well. Abolitionists were to blame for all of these problems according to southern whites. Some of the more famous ones such as William Lloyd Garrison and Issac Knapp boldly stated that slaves should be freed immediately.They were believers that Negros deserved life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness just like white people. (Page 129) Many southerners did not take with the abolitionists standings on slavery, in fact a vigilance association in South Carolina offered a $1,500 reward for any agitator convicted of distributing any of the abolitionist flyers or documents. No matter what anyone said, Southerners became increasingly anxious after the rebellion looking for someone to blame for Nats stand other than themselves. Things became increasingly hostile towards abolitionists in the weeks and months after Nats revolt.Many in the south blamed the Yankees and made it difficult for people to express freedom of speech. (Page 135) Liberation of the slaves seem to be the only way to guarantee no further uprisings or revolts from the slaves but it was not easy to convince all of the whites of that. After all, they still had much work to be through on their farms and other items needed tending to on their plantations. Many southerners increasingly proclaimed that slavery was an institution and a positive and unequivocal good, condoned by the bible and ordained by God from the beginning of time. Page 143)A senator from Washington, John C. Calhoun made several statements on the subject of slavery. He went on to justify slavery on historical grounds insisting that there never has yet existed a wealthy and civilized society in which one portion of the community did not, in point of fact, live on the labor of the other. (Page 143) There were many other reasons for not immediately freeing the slaves, on a nationwide level, many in the north were afraid that a radical freeing would cause a rush of newly free African Americans to rush into northern states.Much research and planning was put into the writing of The Fires of Jubilee. Reading the book it is hard to get a feel for exactly what Stephen B. Oates feelings are on slavery and the rebellion. This book has forever changed my impression on slavery. I have studied about slavery as much as any other college student that is not a history major. Before reading this book, I knew and understood basic events leading up to the emancipation proclamation. This story seems so personal. You really get to know Nat on a personal level.As a Christian myself, I can relate with Nat on wanting to be close to God. I have never had a prophetic vision but I believe it when others tell me of their experiences. I do not feel Nat was right by revolting the way he did but then again, I have never been in his shoes being suppressed by othe rs around me. Nat was a very strong, god fearing man and I believe he felt his revolt was the only way to bring attention to the problem of slavery. Stephen B. Oates does a wonderful job with his descriptions in the novel.The work is very vivid and I can almost see the pictures in my head playing out like a movie, especially when Nats visions are described. I especially liked the ending chapter in the book when Stephen discusses his trip to the 1973 version of Southampton County. Reading his details makes me want to take a road trip just to see the things he seen for myself. I am not sure what would still be standing over 40 years after this book was scripted but it seems to be worth the trip. This book has given me a new opinion on slavery and how it affected the world that we live in today.I was not expecting to have such a different view on slavery and oppression at the beginning of this reading assignment. The story was quite touching even though there were parts that could have been avoided. Nat Turner will be a name I never forget when it comes to slavery. We still have long-wearing affects in todays society of slavery. Even though most of the modern day African Americans that exist in my life did not have to deal with slavery, I can understand how they may still be affected by the idea of it.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Literature and writing
Nature, as seen and depicted by Walt Whitman in Leaves of Grass is great and sweeping in its grandeur, like a heavyweight movie screen, where he unloads scenes upon scenes of grand vistas in living color. If it were a theatrical performance, he would create unsparing scenes of epic proportions majestic skies, billowing waves, golden fields of grain extending to the horizon. They would be the exact opposite of the faint-hearted seascapes captured on canvas in Virginia Woolfs To the Lighthouse. Describing the sea, Whitman writesBehold, the sea itself,And on its limitless, heaving breast, the shipsSee, where their white sails, bulgy in the wind, speckleThegreen and blue,See, dusky and undulating, the long pennants of smoke (33.30-37).To Whitman, nature perpetuall(a)y calls attention unto itself, that man ordinarily ignores it or is not sensitive enough to perceive its charms. Thus, the poet continually exhorts the onlooker to discriminate the beauty unfolding before his eyes. For him, a leaf of grass is no less than the journey impart of the stars and that the running blackberry would adorn the parlors of heaven(31.1-8).As in theatre, the poet conjures images to create moods as would suit his purpose. Whitmans poems overflow with robustness and energy as he writes about the pi whizers of a new nation going away the sanctuary of their homes to tame the great frontiers. In the process he is overwhelmed by the magnificent beauty of the surface as well as the great cities and industries built by mans labor.If his medium were a film screen, Whitman would come up with glorious takes of canyons and sunsets and deserts in Cinemascope, of buffalo herds grazing the plains, interspersed with the creaking wheels of industry. When Whitman hears the States singing, the songs he hears be those of vigorous workmen as they go about their daily tasks.For him, America is one vast theatre with the American common man as hero. For him, life consists of Victory, union, faith, identity, time,/ The indissoluble compacts, riches, mystery,/ eternal progress, the kosmos, and the modern reports. (Book II. 2.4) These are abstract terms, vague and incomprehensible, but the reader follows the thread of his thoughts when the poet writes about sturdy blacksmiths swinging their sledges, cheerful axemen, wielding all day their axes, and of how the ash writhes under the muscular arms of oarsmen on the lakes (33.39-43). For Walt, commonplace things in nature scram the stuff of legend.Nature is likewise a common theme in a ballet performance. Because no lines are spoken, the earreach rely on the setting, the music, and the language of the bodies in motion. That there is no dialogue seems to prove rather than detract from the performance, for the movers themselves with their seemingly effortless leaps, twists and turns, their graceful flowing motions tell the story no haggling are necessary.Sometime ago I had the opportunity to watch a ballet performance at the Met ropolitan Opera House. The experience was fascinating. It impressed on me the beauty of the human body in motion, so long immortalized in poem and marble, but more usually ignored.The classic ballet Apollo, where the sun-god is offered the gifts of poetry, dance and music, began with the stage decked in black with haunting music in the background to create a olive-drab mood. The ballerinas, clad in contrasting white, were seen distinctly on stage as they retold one of mythologys enduring tales.Jeu de Cartes was a modern ballet that featured poker hands, each being shuffled until the last card became a royal flush. Modern and very lively, Jeu de Cartes was very entertaining.Petrouchka, a classic Russian ballet, made use of plenteous costumes and contrivances and four changes of scene. Set in a Russian village, it made use of puppets and costumed characters.Watching a ballet performance makes one appreciate the tremendous work and resources needed to stage it. It also makes one rea lize how beautiful the human body is, how graceful its gestures, its perspicacious flowing and gliding motions, as it tries to mimicker life or capture its essence, in the same way that an artist tries to transfer the colors of sunset into canvas, or a poet his ruminations about life into rhyme.The poet, like the ballet dancer, tells a story by the subtle use of words, of symbols, of everyday things that ring a bell in the readers mind, or actuate a chord in his heart. The cast of a ballet and its creators also reach out to an audience by the use of movement synchronized with music in the midst of an appropriate setting to specify mood. In both arts, appreciation and enjoyment are the just rewards.WORKS CITEDWhitman, Walt. Leaves of Grass.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Battle of Frediericksburg Analysis
The troth of Fredericksburg David P. W even up-hand(a)en, CPT, MS Class 09-002 Small Group 6, MAJ Sims 03 April 2009 Abstract In early declination 1862, the sodality regular army of the Potomac had massed on the northeastern bank of the Rappahannock River as it was in position to ravisher the servingner in crime capital of capital of Virginia, Virginia. The fusion as well as position themselves to cut off the assistant armaments main supply path for the import and export of goods in the s bulge emergeh. The Confederate soldiers of conglutinati anern Virginia confronted the sum Armys assay strike on the south incline of the Rappahannock by occupying the high land overlooking the riverside townspeople of Fredericksburg.Caught amid the both opposing armies, Fredericksburg was destined to the involvementground for a bloody prelude of major battles between the coalescence and Confederate armies in the open studys of the south. The Battle of Fredericksburg Introdu ction The Battle of Fredericksburg occurred on 11 December 1862 on the banks of the Rappahannock River near the small town of Fredericksburg, Virginia. Pitting three particles of the marrow Forces commanded by MG Edwin V. Sumner, MG Joseph Hooker, and MG William B.Franklin, approximately 120,000 S obsolescentiers against the two Confederate Forces army corps of Northern Virginia commanded by LTG James Longstreet and LTG doubting Thomas L. Jackson approximately 90,000 Soldiers. This battle emphasized the efficacious utilisation of Weather, Maneuver, Observation Fields of Fire, Cover, and concealment, Obstacles, Key Terrain, and Avenues of Approach. The use of the Battlefield Operating Systems was instrumental in the success of the mission. The primary source utilize to gather cultivation was, Decisive Battles of the Civil War the Battle of Fredericksburg by LT. COL.Joseph B. Mitchell turn on the Rappahannock the Fredericksburg Campaign by Edward J. Stackpole. Secondary sources used were The Battle of Fredericksburg a Special Edition of Civil War Times by Edward J. Stackpole and Guide to the Battles of Chancellorsville and Fredericksburg by Jay Luvaas and Harold W. Nelson. Strategic Setting Fredericksburg, Virginia during the 1860s had developed into a family oriented community. This town happened to be the farthest fate to sweep up the Rappahannock River. It was a very important site for trading for imported and exported goods.However, the larger, newer sailing vessels had troublesomeies in navigating the Rappahannock, which greatly hinder the international trade with other less modern customers of trade. This allowed members of Fredericksburg to live a more principle or less congested big city lifestyle. Militarily, this river is important for resupplying Soldiers critical supplies in order to beseech effectively. The town of Fredericksburg changed hands many times throughout the war. Being located so closely to Richmond and Washington, it can gre atly assist or resist in a potential dishonor on Richmond or Washington.In extension, this town could act as a staging area preceding to launching an attack on the nations capital. Furthermore, four major battles fought within a s eveteen-mile spoke of Fredericksburg, Virginia. The major encounter during the Battle of Fredericksburg took roam in Virginia. MG Ambrose mutton chops federal Army of the Potomac tried to countermine Gen Robert E. leewards Army of Northern Virginia and capture Richmond. However, this would be a difficult task, since the Confederates were deeply entrenched into a defensive position west of town.Tactical Situation 1. Mission Gen burnsides was to finicky the Rappahannock River and seize the heights behind Fredericksburg, Virginia before Gen lee(prenominal)s army arrived. aft(prenominal) seizing the town of Fredericksburg, the Army of the Potomac would thusly advance south to Richmond. In order to cross the Rappahannock sideburn had to build multip le connect for this purpose, support elements sent pontoon b rooftree equipment to Fredericksburg. The Union Forces arrived to the blue banks of the Rappahannock there were no Confederate Forces in sight. It ould seem as if the good would be on the side of the Union Forces. 2. Equipment Gen hightail it deployed riflemen to provide get welling fire for the engineers at each destination of the three construction points. He also have 147 hit man pieces to serve as the main deterrent to the Confederate Forces opposing the Union sudor and accommodate a moderate logistics train. His ammo and other classes of supply were plentiful yet the distance would soft cause these resources to erode. The Confederates had sufficient food and water, but other classes of supply were scarce, particularly their ammo.Many carried hunting rifles and shotguns of variable caliber. The Union Forces had a clear advantage. 3. Terrain The city and its environs along the Rappahannock River in north-ce ntral Virginia were significant obstacles to Union advances on Richmond, the Confederate capital. The battlefield consists of a series of flood plains and river terraces with gentle slopes paralleled by north-south ridges that provide geomorphological boundaries on either side, all comprised of Tertiary and Quaternary Coastal Plain sediments. The Confederates, led by Gen Robert E.Lee, effectively used natural terrain features to impede attacks made by the Union army. Tactical benefits also accrued by the Confederates from manufactured obstacles on the battlefield, e. g. , stone walls and fences. aft(prenominal) crossing the Rappahannock River, the Union Army, had to attack uphill with little cover in their unsuccessful attempts to dislodge the Confederates. This gave the Confederate Forces the advantage against the Union strike. 4. Troops Strategically the Union Forces had the advantage with the number of array under Gen Burnsides command at nearly 120,000.The Confederate Forces had the advantage as having sort out up their defensive positions and direct access through their supply routes to their headquarters in Richmond, Virginia. The Confederate Forces did neediness military develop in the ranks as well as standard issue items that would help in the success of their campaign. The Union Forces had a clear advantage as far as personnel, but Confederate Forces had an advantage for their ability to resupply the units. 5. Time This historic Fredericksburg Campaign planned and executed over a two-month stop in November December of 1862.This was during an extremely cold and harsh winter season. It reduced both the Union and Confederate forces from quiet go onments, clear line of sight during pre-dawn hours (fog on the river), heavy snowfall, which restricted causements, thick terrain made of oak, maple, cedar, and exceedingly thick entangled brush cause limited mobility, counter mobility and reduced eyes on the competitor. Therefore, even though the weat her did non favor either side, it did not kept tactical goals of either side from being established.The Battle After, the Battle of Bull Run both armies devoted the second half of 1861 and part of 1862 to make serious adjustments for more important battles to come. Procurement of supplies, training, recruiting new soldiers, and other military activities was the primary training mission of both armies. Neither force was in any particular hurry to conduct an nauseous operation. An impatient President waited in the White House to see how his popular commanding officer depart retrain and utilize his powerful forces.Gen McClellan moved his forces in March 1862, via water, to the Virginia Peninsula between the York and James Rivers. The intent of this move was to take Richmond, Virginia. However, Johnston countered this plan by moving his Confederate soldiers overland in the same direction. Therefore, Gen Mc McClellan staged his troops at Fort Monroe. At the same time, Stonewall Jacks on began his Shenandoah Valley Campaign, wounded in battle General Johnston was succeed by Robert E. Lee. On Oct. 6, the President instructed Gen McClellan to cross the Potomac and give battle to the enemy, or drive him South.Your army must now move, he said, charm the bridle-paths are good. Twenty-four long time spent in correspondence before Gen McClellan obeyed the order of the president. Gen McClellan complained of a drop of men and supplies to make it wise to move forward. At length, October had nearly passed by and Gen Lees army thoroughly rested and reorganized, and communications with Richmond re-established, the Army of the Potomac began to cross the river (Oct. 26), 100,000 strong. The Nationals led down the east side of the BlueRidge, but failed to strike the retreating Confederates over the mountain in flank or to get ahead of them and Gen Lee pushed Gen Longstreets troops over the Blue Ridge to Culpeper Courthouse, between the Army of the Potomac and Richmond, rea dy to dispute the advance of the Nationals. Quick and spirited movements were now necessary to sever and defeat, in detail, Gen Lees army. (See Map 1) On Nov. 75, the President projected Gen McClellan of command, and Gen Burnside took command of the Corps. A sense of responsibility made the latter commander exceedingly cautious. forward he moved, he endeavored to get his 120,000 men well in hand. Gen Burnside determined Aquia Creek landing place as his resupply hub and main base for his assault. His overall decision was to, and he moved the army towards Fredericksburg down the Fredericksburg lane towards Fredericksburg. The allowed his forces to cover Washington and assure better protection of his lines of resupply and communication. Oon Nov. 150 Gen. Sumner led the movement from Warrenton down the odd bank of the Rappahannock and covered almost 40 miles in two and one-half sidereal days to Falmouth.By November 21, Gen Longstreets Corps had arrived near Fredericksburg, and Gen Jacksons (which had been downstream along the Rappahannock to prevent crossings there) was by-line rapidly. Gen Lee at first anticipated that he would fight Gen Burnside northwest of Fredericksburg and that it superpower be necessary to drop subscribe behind the North Anna River. However, when he saw how slowlyly Gen Burnside was moving, he directed all of his army toward Fredericksburg. The first pontoon link arrived at Falmouth on November 25, much too late to enable the Army of the Potomac to cross the river without opposition.Gen Burnside pacify had an opportunity, however, because he was facing whole half of Gen Lees army, not yet dug in, and if he acted quickly, he might be able to attack Longstreet and defeat him before Jackson arrived. Once again, he squandered his opportunity. The tie arrived at the end of the month, and by this time, Gen Jackson was present and Gen Longstreet was preparing strong defenses. Gen Burnside originally plannedplanned to use Gen McClellan s original plan of to crossing his army east of Fredericksburg 10 miles (16 km) downstream at Skinkers Neck, but Earlys fragment arrived there and blocked him.Therefore,So he Gen Burnside decided to cross directly at Fredericksburg. On December 9, he wrote to Halleck, I think now the enemy will be more surprised by a crossing immediately in our front than any other part of the river. Im convinced that a large force of the enemy is now concentrated at Port Royal, its left resting on Fredericksburg, which we commit to turn. In addition to, his numerical advantage in troop strength, Gen Burnside also had the advantage of cunning his army could not be attacked effectively.On the other side of the Rappahannock, 220 arm pieces had been located on the ridge known as Stafford high gear to prevent Gen Lees army from mounting any major counterattacks. (See Map 1) On the morning of December 11, Union Engineers began the construction of six pontoon bridges in preparation for the passage of Union Forces across the Rappahannock River. Two placed north of the Town Center, a third on the southern end of town, and three further south near the confluence of the Rappahannock and Deep Run.During the assembly of the pontoon bridges, Union Engineers came under large(p) fire from the Confederate Forces primarily from the sharpshooters of the Mississippi Brigade commanded by Gen Barksdale. Gen Burnside. tThen tell his Union artillery batteries then to shelled the city. The artillery fire lasted for an hour in terrific bombardment in hopes to drive the Confederate sharpshooters out of their positions. The bombardment failed to dampen the spirits of Barksdales sharpshooters, as soon as the artillery fire ceased the musketeers popped out of the holes and resumed firing.Thus, the first attempt to cross the river was a failure due to the Confederates fires on federal engineers constructing pontoon bridges on the river. Gen Burnsides staff immediately began mission analysis on ano ther plan to cross the river. Gen Hunt suggested the only solution to cross the river are volunteers to cross by ferry rowing in pontoons to secure the other side of the river a lay suppressive fire on Confederate sharpshooters to cover the bridge layers.Because of a lack in confidence on his part, Gen BurnsideIf he was confident and swift in issuing was slow in issuing his tactical instructions,instructions the Union Army of the Potomac may have caught the Confederates unready to defend their positions properly. In addition to the failure of the first attempt to cross, there wasAdditionally, a decrease in morale of the Union ForcesArmy of the Potomac and their precedential commande leadingr due to the hesitation of Gen Burnsides decisionstheir overall commander on not just one critical causation but several occasions.Other occasions of indecisiveness and lack of initiative in dealing with the drop the ball of getting the pontoons transferred from Washington also attributed to t he decrease in morale of not only the Leadership leadership but also the Soldiers. Furthermore, the inability of Burnside to consider the advice advice, from Gen Halleck, was trying to give on where to cross the river showed the lack of communication from the field commander to Washington Headquarters. The Chief Engineer of the Army ordered his engineers in the following format (Stackpole, p122) (These were the actual orders that were issued) Engineers will place two pontoons bridges to be constructed at the site of old pontoon bridge, one of them to have approaches for artillery. One pontoon bridge at site of old canal-boat bridge approaches for artillery. Additionally, we will place two pontoon bridges just below mouth of Deep Run, a mile below Fredericksburg one to have artillery approach. Major Spaulding to throw three upper ones major Magruder to throw the next, and Lieutenant dumbfound the lowest one. Bridge equipage, now at White Oak Church, to move up and go into place nea r Phillips house by dark.At midnight trains to move down within 400 yards of river, and to move down and begin unloading a two in the morning. If enemy fire is kept down, bridges to be thrown as soon as are unloaded if too hot, wait until artillery silences it The battle opened south of the city at 830 a. m. on December 13, when Maj. Gen. William Franklin ordered two of the offices from the Left Grand Division to maneuver themselves through an unseen gap in Gen Jacksons defenses on the right and head towards Hamiltons Crossing. By 10 a. m. , a thick fog began to lift, and the initially gloomy movements picked up speed.Gen Meades division of 4,500 men formed the main attack, in direct support of Gen Meadesthese movements the divisions of Gen Doubleday and Gen Gibbon. The Virginia Horse gunman under Major John Pelham stalled the attack, and an artillery duel between Pelham and the Union artillery batteries lasted for approximately an hour. MAJ Pelham started his artillery attack wi th only two cannonsa 12-pounder Napoleon smoothbore and a rifled Blakelybut go on with only one after counter-battery fire disabled one of the cannons.Gen Lee observed the exploit and commented active Pelham, age 24, It is glorious to see such courage in one so young. As Meade at long last made traction, he ran into Brig. Gen. Maxcy Greggs brigade, scattering it. Gen Gregg was shot and mortally wounded he died two days later. To Gen Meades right, Gen Gibbons attack against the brigades of Brig. Gen. William Dorsey Pender and Edward L. Thomas made good progress, but Gen Meade and Gen Gibbon men became separated by 130 p. m. , a heavy Confederate counterattack pushed them back to the beachhead of the Rappahannock.Because of the foggy conditions, Federal artillery could not provide much assistance because of the inability to discern between Union and Confederate Forces. Driven back and chased by the Confederate infantry, raised some concerns with Gen Burnside, his divisions may be trapped at the river. The Federal line strengthened with addition of Brig. Gen. Daniel E. Sickles and Brig. Gen. David B. Birney divisions, and Stonewall Jacksons counterattack grounded to a halt. The focus of action moved north to Marye Heights. The initial assaults west of Fredericksburg began at 11 a. . as Frenchs divisiontwo divisions from Gen Couchs Corps, Gen Frenchs division and Gen Hancocks division, moved along the Plank Road, facing a steep-banked drainage ditch and a wide, open plain of 400 yards (370 m), dominated by Confederate infantry and artillery behind a sunken road and stone wall. Earlier, artillerist Edward Porter Alexander, A chicken could not live on that field when we open on it, had assured Gen Longstreet. The Union men attacking had to file d into columns over two small bridges across the drainage ditch, making them a massed target.Attempts to shift the attack farther to the right failed because of swampy ground. As in the south, Union artillery was prevent ed by fog from effectively silencing the Confederate guns as from Stafford Heights Union guns were ineffectual to reach the Confederate positions. Gen Burnside had anticipated this attack on the right would be merely supportive of his main effort on the left, but Franklin had stalled and resisted entreaties to continue, so Gen Burnside shifted his emphasis. After Frenchs division was repulsed with heavy losses, Gen Burnside sent in the divisions of Gen Hancock and Gen Howard, which met a similar fate.By this time, Gen Picketts division and one of Gen Hoods brigades had marched north to reinforce Marye Heights. Gen Griffins division renewed the attack at 330 p. m. , followed by Gen Humphreys division at 4 p. m. At dusk, Gen Gettys division assaulted from the east and was repulsed. Gen Burnside sent six Union Divisions in, virtually one brigade at a time, for sixteen individual charges, all of which failed, costing them from 6,000 to 8,000 casualties. ceremony the carnage from the ce nter of his line, a position now known as Lees Hill, Gen Lee quoted as saying, It is well that war is so terrible, or we should grow too fond of it. The action on the heights also included the charge of the Irish Brigade, which lost 50% of its strength in the battle but innovational further up the heights than any other Union Brigade. Confederate losses at Marye Heights totaled around 1,200. The falling of darkness and the pleas of Gen Burnsides subordinates were enough to put an end to the attacks. Gen Longstreet later wrote, The charges had been desperate and bloody, but utterly hopeless. Thousands of Union soldiers spent the cold December night on the fields leading to the Heights, unable to move or assist the wounded because of Confederate fire.The armies remained in position throughout the day on December 14, when Gen Burnside briefly considered leading his old IX Corps in one closing attack on Marye Heights, but with the suggestions of many of his officers, he reconsidered and abandoned his campaign sending his troops to northern bank of the Rappahannock River. That afternoon, Burnside asked Lee for a truce to attend to his wounded, which Lee graciously granted. The next day the Federal forces retreated across the river, and the campaign ended. SIGNIFICANCE 1.Short Term The Battle at Fredericksburg all the way showed how disastrous the Union Army Tactics were President Abraham Lincoln relieved Gen Burnside of command a month after this battle. 2. Long Term This was a major victory for the Army of Northern Virginia and dear(p) to the Army of the Potomac. Many believe that Gen Lee lost his best chances to destroy the Gen Burnsides forces at Fredericksburg. Overall, the loss broke the morale of the Army of the Potomac and showed a weakness in the indecisiveness and lack of mood in part of Gen Burnside. ANALYSISGen Burnside failed to achieve the tenant of Initiative and his overall objective of destroying the enemy forces securing the town of Frederick sburg because he violated the Principle of Security and the Battle Operating System of Intelligence. The bulk of his forces fought to cross the river and very few were concerned with providing suppressive fire for the unit crossing. Gen Lees forces upon making disturb with what he believed to be the enemies fleeing main force at Devils Swamp, he committed himself to battle without pausing to use his cavalry to reconnoiter the country.Gen Lee used his CCavalry Troops conducted rereconnaissancecond to the east and west of the Rappahannock marshy lowlandsRiver, an action that gave him an extreme advantage into witnessing the movement of Gen Burnsides forceswhich might have permitted him to cross unmolested at a point up or downstream from the swamp. Thus, outflanking Culpepper and forcing him to withdraw without an opportunity to spring his cleverly crafted trap. The use of the terrain also gave Gen Lee a clear advantage as the Rappahannock River and extended entrenchments gave Gen Bu rnsides forces great difficulty.For his part, Brigadier CulpepperGen Lee effectively adhered to the Principles of Maneuver, Mass, and Economy of Force. Through the Tenant of Synchronization, these factors combined to create the culminating Principle of Surprise. Outnumbered and outgunned, he realized that he could not achieve his objective of ascertaining Morgans Gen Burnsides force and denying it control of the rail and road junction, as well as Yearlingvilletown of Fredericksburg, by engaging in a conventional battle on anything approaching even terms he used unconventional tactics to achieve his goal.He possessed a clear understanding of what he had to accomplish and how he had to do so. He Gen Lee use Maneuver and Mass of critical combat power at the decisive time and place while making effective use of both the weak and strong points of the units he led. By marring Morgan in the swampsstalling Burnsides movement across the river, he placed his enemy in a position of disadvanta ge. He shifted the battle to one where he positioned his massed combat power into a fixed enemy whose only choice was to sink and die discontinue its efforts of seizing the town of Fredericksburg and retreat to the north side of the Rappahannock River.Culpepper Gen Lee exercised effective Synchronization and Economy of Force, deftly controlling the movements and fires of the disparate elements of his force in accordance with the elements of an intelligently conceived and practicable plan of action in order to bring about the desired combat power at the decisive point. His employment of his cavalry, guerrillas, and militia reflected a thorough thought process of utilizing each element in ana precisely orchestrated maneuver exact orchestration to achieve the desired effect of ousting the Army of the Potomac from the town of Fredericksburg back to the northern banks of the Rappahannock River. uring Morgans troops into the killing field of overwhelming force. His exploitation of Union Forces weaknesses in decisive movement and execution of a sound plan display Gen Lees his Seminole scouts superior knowledge of critical terrain features while denying the enemy the opportunity to effectively reconnoiter the same ground gave the critical element of Surprise once the battle was opened in accordance with the time, place and peck of his own choosing. Stackpole, Edward J.Drama on the Rappahannock The Fredericksburg Campaign. Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania Stackpole Books, 1991 P. 23 Stackpole, Edward J. Drama on the Rappahannock The Fredericksburg Campaign. Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania Stackpole Books, 1991 P. 121 Stackpole, Edward J. Drama on the Rappahannock The Fredericksburg Campaign. Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania Stackpole Books, 1991, P. 122 OReilly, Francis Augustin, The Fredericksburg Campaign Winter War on the Rappahannock, Louisiana extract University exhort, 2003, P. 148 Goolrick, William K. and the Editors of Time-Life Books, Rebels Resurgent Fredericksburg to Chancellorsville, Time-Life Books, 1985, P. 87 BIBLIOGRAPHY FM 3-0 Operations. Washington, D. C. Headquarters Department of the Army, 2001. Goolrick, William K. Rebels Resurgent Fredericksburg to Chancellorsville. Time-Life Books, 1985. Kennedy, Frances H. The Civil War Battlefield Guide. Boston Houghton Mifflin Company, 1990. Luvaas, Jay and Nelson, Harold W. The U. S. Army War College Guides to the Battles of Chancellorsville & Fredericksburg. Lawrence the University Press of Kansas, 1994.Mitchell, Joseph B. Decisive Battles of the Civil War. New York G. P. Putnams Sons, 1955. OReilly, Francis Augustin. The Fredericksburg Campaign Winter War on the Rappahannock. Louisiana State University Press, 2003. Palfrey, Francis W. The Army in the Civil War The Antietam & Fredericksburg. New York Charles Scribners Sons, 1885. Parish, Peter J. The American Civil War. New York Holmes & Meier Publishers, Inc, 1991. Stackpole, Edward J. Drama on the Rappahannock The Fredericksburg Campaign. Mec hanicsburg, Pennsylvannia Stackpole Books, 1991.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Starbuckââ¬â¢s FDI
1. Initially Starbucks expanded internationally by licensing its format to irrelevant operators. It soon became disenchanted with this schema. Why? When Starbucks started its international enlargement in Japan, it signly decided to license. As it is kn cause licensing is the method of foreign operation whereby a firm in one country agrees to permit a confederation in other country to use the manufacturing, processing, trademark, know-how or roughly other skill provided by the licensor1.Advantages of licensing argon unmistakable it is less expensive, less risky as the risk is held by licensee and it disc everywheres additional profitability with less initial investment. However, licensing has disadvantages and for Starbucks the master(prenominal) disadvantages of licensing in Japan are This strategy did not give Starbucks the aver needed to ensure that the licensees closely followed Starbucks successful formula. Starbucks successful formula refers to its basic strategy T o sell the companys own premium roasted coffee, along with freshly brewed espresso-style beverages, a variety of pastries, coffee accessories, teas, and other products, in a tastefully designed coffeehouse setting and also providing superior customer service2.Starbucks found it necessary to successfully replicate the look, feel, and experience of an Ameri rump Starbucks that is why Starbucks transferred American employees to the Japanese stores to help train workers in the Starbucks way. With licensing Starbucks had express control of expansion rate. Simultaneously with entering the market in Japan, in US Starbucks developed immature cold beverage (Frappuchino) with Pepsi, signed contract with Dreyers for devising ice cream. However, the expansion rate in Japan was not controlled under licensing agreement as could be done in US and the acknowledgment of juvenile products was slow in Japan. 2. Why do you think Starbucks has now elected to expand internationally primarily through local joint enters, to whom it licenses its format, as opposed using to a pure licensing strategy? knock venture is an enterprise in which two or more investors share ownership and control over property rights and operation3. In short, the advantages of joint venture are the company can be more informed about the situation in the market and how the consumers respond to the products the fixed costs for new product entrance are shared with the company synergy effect can be achieved. The main disadvantages of joint ventures are that more capital investment is needed versus licensing the financial losses and risks are higher(prenominal) compared to licensing a potential conflict between partners exists.By using joint ventures Starbucks managed to share the cost and risks of underdeveloped its foreign markets with the licensee and at the same time to confirm higher control over the operations of the licensee. some other motive for expanding through local joint ventures was that S tarbucks had access to local knowledge through the partner and can measure the process of product adaptation. Pure licensing did not give enough power to Starbucks to control which helped Starbucks to pay off competitive advantage.The pure licensing limits the important information about market situation in the country. 3. What are the advantages of a joint-venture entry mode for Starbucks over entering through wholly owned subsidiaries? On occasion, Starbucks has chosen a wholly owned subsidiary to control its foreign expansion (e. g. , in Britain and Thailand). Why? Entering a new market is always risky and is accompanied with huge costs. Using joint venture copy allows Starbucks to receive controls over those risks by sharing them with a local company.The advantages of joint ventures, if compared with the wholly owned subsidiaries, are the opportunities to share the costs and risks associated with entering and developing in the market, having access to greater resources as we ll as getting acquainted with the local market, its culture, characteristics with the help of the local partners experience and knowledge. An advantage of Joint venture is also the opportunity to widen economic scope fast varietying reputation is often difficult, time consuming and expensive.At a joint venture, Starbucks has the opportunity to widen its economic scope without disbursement too much money and waiting for a long time4. With the Joint venture model, the local company also has incentives and motivations for the total joined success and growth. It would be much lengthier, difficult and expensive process in case of entering through wholly owned subsidiary. One more advantage of joint venture is still having large measure of control over the situation, even though the control is more contain if compared with a wholly owned subsidiary, however it gives the opportunity to have sufficient control over the local situation.A joint venture example of Starbucks is entering int o a joint venture with a Swiss company, Bon Appetit Group, the largest food service company in Switzerland. The disadvantages of joint venture are the following it takes time to build the right partnership relationship with another clientele, especially when the objectives of the two partners are not entirely agree and communicated5, or there are differences in cultural and management styles. Also control and decision making are sometimes compromised in joint ventures.Since there is an agreement that divides which one will take over a particular operation, the other may not be satisfied with how the things are worked out with another. This leads to another disadvantage of a joint venture. in that location would be no communication or agreement issues in case of wholly owned subsidiaries. Another disadvantage is that the profit generated in the local market is shared. There are several cases when Starbucks preferred a wholly owned subsidiary in the process of its foreign expansions .There were different reasons for making such decisions. One reason was if the country had appropriate operations up for sale. Such example was in Britain, when Starbucks acquired an existing coffee chain that was modeled after Starbucks. An American couple, in the first place from Seattle, had started Seattle Coffee with the intention of establishing a Starbucks like chain in Britain. The chain was already successful some of the risks that would normally be associated with introducing a new concept to a foreign market were eliminated.The other reason of choosing a wholly owned subsidiary model would be if control was very important in the country of expansion or if the country didnt have an appropriate joint venture partners which have prerequisites acceptable by Starbucks. In case of Thailand, Starbucks chose to shift to a wholly owned operation, after the go venture with Coffee Partners, a local Thai company, didnt manage to raise capital from Thai banks for further pre-agreed expansion of Starbucks in Thailand.Thus by acquiring Coffee Partners, Starbucks had a goal to have more control over the expansion strategy in Thailand. 4. Which scheme of FDI best explains the international expansion strategy adopted by Starbucks? Starbucks followed Internalization theory, which suggests that when licensing is difficult, foreign direct investment is appropriate. The theory was developed by Buckley and Casson, in 1976 and then by Hennart, in 1982 and Casson, in 1983.Initially, the theory was launched by Coase in 1937 in a national context and Hymer in 1976 in an international context. In his Doctoral Dissertation, Hymer identified two major(ip) determinants of FDI. One was the removal of competition. The other was the advantages which some firms possess in a particular activity (Hymer, 1976). 6 Advantages of outside Direct Investment are A firm will favor FDI over exporting as an entry strategy when transportation costs or trade barriers make exporting unattracti ve A firm will favor FDI over licensing when it wishes to maintain control over its technological know-how, or over its operations and business strategy, or when the firms capabilities are simply not amenable to licensing7 This theory fits Starbucks wants to maintain product quality and brand identity in all countries it has internationally expanded, to be comprehend in the same way in all cultures, and preserve taste preferences, work habits and ways of doing business all over the world.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Change Management and Communication Plan Essay
Riordan Manufacturing require to develop a formalized method for controlling all client teaching into one centralized client administration method. The first part of this formulate give develop a modified administration plan that will include many critical elements for example, suggestion of a plan in order to exe hurte modifications during the coming year and an explanation of the assessment processes following the implementation of the modifications. The second part of the plan will make reference to an exhaustive confabulation plan for the suggested modifications. A sampling message communicating the plan to the company employees is also included. Riordan Manufacturing currently practices a bureaucratic structure base on formal power. This structure is designed with set rules and functions on how the business will operate daily. Their judicatureal chart describes how the governing body is departmentalized by scope of work into functional areas. Each specialized departmen t has a vice president and managers that control their operations.The major advantage of this type of functional departmentalization is efficiency gained from putting handle specialists together (Robbins & Judge, 2013). The power and political structure could affect the employee behavior because all decisions must go up the ladder. For example, if a decision needs to be do about how a heart valve machine needs to be updated, the decision must be routed through proper authority, rather than being handled by the foreman. another(prenominal) advantage of this structure is that there is direct communication between lower level managers and their supervisors this provides hard-hitting leadership, vision, and communication throughout the ranks in the organization. The most appropriate and effective organizational structure for Riordan is departmentalization and formalization. With the planned change for a new customer entropyrmation system, structure, organization, and good communicat ion between departmentsis necessary. This form is valu adequate to(p) when an organizations customers are widely distributed geographically and gain similar needs based on their location (Robbins & Judge, 2013). almost of the positions in the organizations are standardized, so each employee is placed in the correct department according to his or her abilities. Riordan Manufacturing has a separate department for each product they make, which is an example of departmentalization. Employees in a departmentalized and formalized organization have set rules to follow and are specialized to their department. Riordan Manufacturing employees are a diverse group that offers solutions in a diverse market. Each member is part of a team where each product made grows their total portfolio. Riordans culture is based on organic growth with macrocosm, although they are a bureaucratic organization. They are constantly looking for new products to innovate and expand in new areas without looking to c ut costs to gain growth.Their characteristics include ethical standards, innovative, and team building. The corporate culture of Riordan Manufacturing influences employee behavior by innovation and risk taking with an emphasis on team building. Riordan uses good communication and team orientation to aliment their employees motivated. rough workers whitethorn become unwilling to cope with modification. Possible reasons may be the lack of friendship regarding the modification, comfort, anxiety about being unsure, personal private views, job security, pressure from peers, clashes, and lack of confidence. Even though workers are being resistive, the administrators are intending to cope with the opposition and assist workers with the modification more efficiently. Administrators may ease up the modification by conveying it clearly, being straightforward, and acknowledging their worries together while respecting workers. Administrators may provide support by meeting directly in rega rds to the modifications or by additional coaching.Administrators might place the resistive workers with employees or another company temporarily who are already utilize the modification. This bottomland allow for administrators to make accredited they have set some objectives to ensure the success of the modifications was worthwhile and advantageous. Modifications need constant and continuous shade improvements. During the 12 months, administrators must be sure that the modification they put in place hold opens to remain effective.Administrators can perform this by assigning reaction teams toareas which are in danger, as well as continue to make contact with their workers via phone, email, direct contact, or memo. Safety precautions will also continue to be managed and improved. module and administration attitudes will remain optimistic, involving workers, caring for their views, ideas, and thoughts, continuing to provide training sessions, set objectives and goals, and encou rage inspiration. Administrators may assess achievement by monitoring the effectiveness of the modification, organization numbers/sales, and ensuring workers are producing great results. In case the organization is failing or hasnt seen any growth then they must ready the modification.Communication PlanThe best way to overcome the resistance to change is timely communication to employees. Managers should have meetings with employees, as necessary to discuss the changes. The reason for the changes should be conveyed in a way so employees will understand the necessity for the changes. Managers also need to make themselves available to address any concerns and to listen to feedback from employees. It is truly important to listen to their concerns, and address them in a professional and compassionate manner. The manager needs to take a firm stand themselves as being calm and professional, while conveying the change and listening to concerns of the employees. Along with meetings, regu lar emails and memos should be sent to all employees to inform them in a formal manner of the changes that need to take place. It may be prudent to appoint a few reactionary team members to assist the employees with the new procedures.Some employees should be selected to join the reactionary team to instill a sense of ownership into the changes. If a written communication method was to be utilized there could be physical barriers to non-verbal communication. Not being able to see the non-verbal cues, gestures, posture and general body language can make communication less effective. To reply that, our preferred communication channel will be face-to-face to discuss anything that could be considered sensitive in nature. Jargon, abbreviations, and slanged terms for what is considered common items is commonly used in corporations this can cause confusion for some whom may be less familiar. To ensure everyone has a firm grasp on the message being relayed, the use of these terms should b e minimized in all formal communications.Email and Memo Message pauperizationed Employees of Riordan ManufacturingThe organization decided to apply a client administration method that will permit you to substantially monitor our clients. The administration knows that we have put enormous accountability on you to manage client info and wish to provide you with the methods to do this job more efficiently. This info might be more effective when we keep it in a uniformed style and saved in a convenient location. By applying this method we will be allowing the info to be easily available to all workers and will streamline searching methods. We know that this info, if not saved correctly will get lost, and we dont want to jeopardize the client associations which you have worked so hard to maintain.Formalized training will be wedded to all workers prior to the launch of this method. Our objective is to make sure that you are happy and capable of using the latest program before its put i nto use. We have created a formalized coaching agenda for following week to make sure everybody has had time to see, work, and know the program. We hope that this may be utilise on Monday March 30th, 2015. Administration knows that understanding the latest method is a difficult task, however we entrust you will notice the advantage of this latest program. We thank you all for your hard work, persistence, and assistance in this matter. occupy contact your immediate supervisor with any questions or problems.Thank You,Riordan Manufacturing AdministrationConclusionThe document has assisted in developing a modification administration plan for Riordan Manufacturing by deciding formalized and passing(a) power structures of the company and their influence on the conduct of workers. It has additionally determined suitable company structures for this organization which will help in achieving the modifications. The document has described the companys tradition by identifying its features, and the contingent impact of this tradition on the conduct of workers. Riordan must think about applying the specified modifications which are contained in the modification administration plan, and they must also apply the communication plan that will assist in implementing the modifications effectively.ReferenceRobbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2013). Organizational behavior (15th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ Pearson/Prentice Hall.
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